I have extensive experience engaging media globally.

My work has been featured in leading publications such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, Newsweek, LA Times, and Foreign Policy. I have provided live commentary on major English, French, German, Brazilian, and Spanish outlets, as well as Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, and Kurdish media.

A lesser-known but no less significant aspect of my work has been in assisting documentary filmmakers to capture the Arab Spring and bring support to local media workers and human rights defenders in this region. While at CPJ, I facilitated a connection between the Syrian media collective “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” and Hollywood director Matthew Heineman, leading to the Oscar-winning documentary “City of Ghosts” (2017). Previously at Freedom House, I helped connect filmmakers to produce several award-winning documentaries about the Egyptian revolution, including “Uprising” (2012) and “The Square” (2013).

Read more:

“Two Years After Khashoggi’s Murder, the Fight for Justice Isn’t Over,” World Politics View (Florida, September 2022)

The Mideast’s Only Democracy’ Goes to War on Press Freedom,” The New York Times, (New York, August 2017)

“Mauritania wants to put this blogger to death for criticizing its caste system,” The Washington Post (Washingon, D.C., September 2016)


investigative human rights reporting